

Sprout is a fake app that I helped create with my group of five people for our UI Design class. Our assignment was to come up with an app that can help people out in their everyday lives by assigning a leader and dividing up the roles everyone would do. Together, we researched different app ideas we could do before deciding to combine two ideas that I suggested. The two ideas we combined were breaking bad habits and planting a tree. So, in the end, we created a breaking bad habits app with a reward of a tree being planted once someone reached a goal.

The roles were divided into branding, icons and artwork done by Emma; wireframes and content done by Sudip; UI design done by Cheyenne; UX plan and strategy done by Shaurya and my role was to do the prototyping and put the presentation together. Each of us gave each other feedback to make the assignment the best it could be and helped out when needed. The presentation ended up being mostly done by me, with help and input from everyone.

About app
Brand colours
App logo and icon
Imagery and more icons
App wireframes
App design
Play the video to see how the app works